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Litecoin (LTC) Review | Predictions and Results

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Litecoin (LTC) Review | Predictions and Results

Of all of the various Bitcoin fork; Litecoin may be the one with the most interesting story.

In 2011 by Charlie Lee, Litecoin is currently # 6 with a market cap of $8,256,187,982. As with all cryptos, Litecoin's followers see the moon constantly within reach. As one of the major cryptocurrencies, Litecoin's price is firmly locked to BTC fluctuationsHowever, even with a realistic price of $146.08, Litecoin predictions can sometimes be seemingly unrealistic; as we in the cryptosphere have seen, $500 / LTC is possible, though perhaps not likely next couple of years.

For those who are classically educated in fiat finance, a look at charts, graphs, and market caps might indicate some hidden trends. However, most of us in the cryptosphere are not inclined to use or understand such tools successfully. Instead, the rest of us rely on indicators such as widespread adoption, new projects, government regulation announcements, and possibilities. Regardless of your method, prediction method results are the same; a steady climb, occasional dips along the way in what has been called the crypto coaster. 

Litecoin Price Predictions

While we ride this fantastic race, the predictions from our "experts" come regularly. For example, last year, we heard that LTC would replace BTC as the "king of the cryptos." At that time, Litecoin was ranked # 5; now, it is # 6. So, that prediction has not come to pass. However, the faster transfer time of LTC poses some exciting possibilities for increased adoption. But, the Lightning Network could negate that speed barrier, which release will certainly further distance BTC from its potential competitors, LTC included.

Another of the most significant predictions of 2017 was that the price of LTC would finally break the $ 100 barrier (some even said $ 200). Unfortunately, that did not only come true but also shattered as LTC crossed the $ 300 mark when our friends from Wall Street came to play in the cryptosphere in December of last year.

The other most notable prediction of 2017 was that inventor Charlie Lee would lead Litecoin to the moon. Unfortunately, although Mr. Lee has said he firmly believes in the future of his creation, he took advantage of the December above 2017 boom and liquidated his LTC holdings last year. So now, months later, Litecoin, as with all its crypto brethren, is controlled and guided by its users; without such a figurehead. 

There is one thing We have learned in our crypto journey, and that is that no one, regardless of background, can successfully predict what will happen in the future of this beautiful ride on our beloved cryptocoaster. As a result, prices will continue to fluctuate wildly as the rest of the world is introduced to our currencies and tokens. 


FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) thrown about by government officials, traditional fiat investment gurus, and other public figures will always cause a plummet until we have managed to educate the world to the truth of cryptos.

Government regulation of currencies and tokens are integrated into the laws. Since bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was created to give us, the people, control over our own money without excess regulation, this has become the biggest hurdle to the battle we fight each day. And, while cryptos mean financial freedom, there are regulations regarding buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies; and more laws are added to that list every week.

Then, on the upside of the crypto coaster ride, we receive good news, such as the previously discussed influx of Wall Street money last year. Positive government regulation has also caused spikes in crypto prices as well. 

However, as the leading cryptos almost unanimously rise and fall together, Litecoin included; what is good news for one is good news for all; and vice versa for negativity. Does this mean that a government or investment guru can destroy one of the cryptos or all of them? Of course not. Why? Because cryptos have a secret. 


Litecoin has a total supply of 84 million LTC built into its algorithm, just like Bitcoin has a 21 million BTC supply. That limited supply ensures the longevity of LTC due to the simple concept of supply and demand. As more people join the cryptosphere, they will each choose the leading crypto. Logically, especially with the incepLitepay platform's inception, sure newcomers will choose LTC as their crypto. And, with more users of that limited supply, the price must rise. 

So, as with its predecessor Bitcoin, Litecoin's price, as it is designed, must rise from the Genesis Event (the mining of the first block of LTC) through the Event Horizon (the mining of the final block of LTC). Once the Event Horizon occurs for Litecoin, the price will stabilize. Until that time, regardless of periodic dips, the cost of LTC will continue its (mainly) steady climb.

While we all want those magic predictions; someone who will tell us the future, we know when to buy and sell; LTC is not something we can predict with any certainty. And, since an LTC transfer is irreversible, it is essential to remember that NO ONE can make accurate predictions. There are billions of dollars at stake in Litecoin. Be sure your portion of that stays safe by placing the truth. You know as much as anyone else in this newly formed world. There is no such thing as a crypto "guru." Litecoin and all cryptos were designed to give us complete control of our own money at all times. So, do not pay for predictions. Watch the market and keep track of the current events in the crypto sphere. But never, ever, for any reason, believe in "prediction"; no matter the source.  

Thanks for joining us in exploring these new ideas. Good luck on your crypto journeyHappy HODLing!!!


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