Trezor vs Ledger: Battle of Hardware Wallets (Review)

It’s essential to have a good hardware wallet to keep your funds safe and you should decide between Ledger wallet vs Trezor. In this article, we’ll look at two of the most popular options: the Trezor and Ledger wallets.
There are two golden rules for crypto investing: don’t leave your coins on an exchange and store your coins on a hardware wallet. Ignore these rules at your peril. There are numerous painful stories from people who haven’t heeded that advice. To that end, it’s essential to have a functional hardware wallet to keep your funds safe. This article will look at two of the most popular options: the Trezor and Ledger wallets. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and once you know these, it will be easier to make an informed decision on Trezor vs Ledger's issue.
What They Have in Common: Trezor Model T vs Ledger Nano X
While the wallets Trezor vs Ledger diverge in many ways, they still have a lot in common. Both act as an easy way to secure your funds so that it’s impossible to transfer a coin without physical control of the wallet. Even if a hacker gains the power of your email, your phone number through SIM porting, or whatever else, they won’t be able to drain your funds without controlling the physical device.
Both Trezor vs Ledger wallets supports more than 1,000 currencies. Of those, a vast majority are ERC20 tokens running on the Ethereum blockchain. A full list of compatible coins for Trezor can be found here, and here for Ledger. In addition to supporting most of the same coins, both companies are five years old. That’s not long for a traditional market, but in crypto, which only came into existence a decade ago, it’s a lot.
The Trezor Wallet: Ledger Wallet vs Trezor
The most noticeably lacking feature of the Trezor wallet is that it doesn’t support Monero, the privacy coin. More accurately, it is compatible with Monero, but it doesn’t have support for a Monero wallet. Without that, the process of using a Trezor to back up Monero is complicated, and few people will have the technical skills to do it quickly.
Another downside of the Trezor in our comparison of Ledger nano vs Trezor is that the less expensive model, the Trezor One, does not support all of the coins that the more expensive model, the Trezor Model T, does. The Trezor One is €70, and the Model T is €150, meaning you have to pay more than twice as much to be able to store all of the coins you might want to. The Trezor One does not support Monero, Cardano, XRP, or Tezos. That’s unfortunate as these are all top twenty coins that are continually growing in popularity, and the fact that you can’t store them on the inexpensive model is disappointing.
However, when buying a hardware wallet, Trezor does offer reasonable discounts for people buying three at a time. There is also an option to buy crypto steel with your Trezor. The crypto steel is a fireproof, most durable way to store a backup phrase. It’s an excellent choice for anyone with a hardware wallet because it allows for the recovery of assets even if the wallet is destroyed.
The Ledger Wallet: Trezor Model T vs Ledger Nano X
As opposed to the Trezor One, which costs €70, the Ledger Nano S only costs $60, which is quite a bit cheaper. The Ledger Nano S also has the advantage of supporting the full range of currencies. There is no need to buy a more expensive model. The downside is that the Nano S has a minimum storage capacity on the device. In practice, that means that somebody using it to store multiple coins will continuously have to uninstall and reinstall wallets for different currencies. This can be time-consuming and seems like something that should be updated, given how cheap storage has become, and you should memorize this point of our Trezor vs Ledger nano s comparison.
Thankfully, the more expensive model, The Ledger Nano X, has fixed this problem. It’s capable of storing several dozen wallets at the same time. Also, Nano X has an exciting feature. It’s Bluetooth compatible. That means that it can sign transactions without plugging into the computer via a USB cable.
This makes it much more practical as a device to carry around and use to secure crypto assets that you plan to spend regularly. Importantly, no sensitive data is shared via a Bluetooth connection. Private keys and seed phrases are never sent; it all stays on the device. The only thing that happens is that the Nano X approves transactions and that only happens when the user presses a key on the physical device. Again, no matter what a hacker compromises, he cannot steal funds without physical control of the Nano X. If you still don’t feel safe using Bluetooth, you can turn it off as well and only use the device via a USB cable. This Ledger retails for $120, which is still less than the premium model of the Trezor, which should be remembered in weighing Ledger nano x vs Trezor t.
In addition to the Ledger Nano S and X, there is also the Ledger Blue. This is a larger, touchscreen model costing more than $200. It’s currently sold out, and Ledger may be discontinuing it at some point. However, if they decide to keep selling it, the device is an excellent option for someone who enjoys a less cramped user interface, as the screen on the Nano S and X is quite small and pixelated.
Choosing Between the Two
Whichever hardware wallet, Trezor model t vs Ledger nano x, you select, the important point is that you have one in the first place. It’s the most secure way to store assets and critical for anyone who owns cryptocurrency. A good rule of thumb is that if the crypto you own is worth more than a hardware device's cost, you should have a hardware wallet.
Ledger offers more wallets, and they are the only ones with a Bluetooth wallet on the market. Trezor does not provide that. Ledger also allows the Nano S buyers to choose what colour of plastic shell they’d like for their device. The Trezor tools tend to cost more, and you have to purchase the more expensive model for full coin support. Nonetheless, they are a trusted manufacturer with the likes of Andreas M. Antonopoulos supporting them.